
Things come up, people get sick, life happens. If for some reason you should need to cancel a booked session, first message me through WhatsApp (+852 6712 0391) as it is the fastest, then also you must email me immediately at erobertsparkour@gmail.com. This ensures we both have a written record of the cancellation.


Class reservations may be cancelled up to 4 hours prior to the start time of class without incurring penalty.

If the booking is cancelled under 4 hours before the start time of the class, or if the student is a no-show, the full class price will be charged as usual.


Refunds will not be given for class sessions that have already been attended. Refunds for pre-paid class credits will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If you are injured or affected with an illness, relocating away from Hong Kong, or incur any permanent situation affecting your pre-paid classes, please notify me immediately.

For injuries or illnesses, please speak to me directly so we can decide the best course of action together. What matters most is your wellness!


Depending on the intensity of the weather, class may or may not be affected. For minor weather warnings from Amber Rainstorm, Typhoon Signal no. 1 to Signal no. 3, classes will generally continue. Sometimes the location of the class will be changed under such circumstances.

For Red Rainstorm, Black Rainstorm, and Typhoon Signal no. 8 or above, all classes will be cancelled.

If classes are cancelled due to adverse weather, there will be no charges.