What’s it all about?


Parkour is a training system that develops the ability to overcome obstacles. Skills include jumping, climbing, vaulting, balancing, and anything that contributes to improving the ability to overcome any and all obstacles. We are training to move like a human! In the process practitioners learn to analyze risk, process fear, frustration and other emotions, and balance the drive to succeed with humility.

Why Parkour?

Any age | Any ability | Anywhere

Parkour builds physical, emotional, and mental strength, and teaches the practitioner the skills necessary to see any obstacle as an opportunity for growth. It encourages people to challenge themselves in order to find their best self. Exciting and stylized videos online make parkour look daunting or even impossible. However, parkour is about learning to overcome obstacles regardless of what the obstacle is or how big or small it is. While one practitioner might seek to jump and land on a thin metal rail at height, another might seek to jump over a waist-high wall with increasing fluidity and grace. Yet another practitioner might work to develop the ability to get over a waist-high wall at all. Everyone has their own personal obstacles to overcome. In every class, participants will learn the tools and develop the skills to do so.
